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Animals Pedals Vintage Van Driving is Very Fun

Animals Pedals Vintage Van Driving is Very Fun

Regular price $140.00
Regular price Sale price $140.00
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Everyone wants to make their guitar tone shine – that’s why players keep asking for overdrive pedals to keep exploring ways to improve that tone. Vintage Can Driving is Very Fun is an overdrive pedal that can help to enhance the potential of any guitar sound.

VOL: Adjusts the overall volume. It also affects the boost level.
TONE: Controls the tone. Adjusts the high frequencies of distortion and boost.
DRIVE: Adjusts the strength of the distortion. You can also adjust the strength of the distortion in BOOST mode.
OD/BOOST switch: In OD mode, you can create sound from low gain boost to medium gain overdrive, and in BOOST mode, you can create sound from clean boost to light overdrive.

Vintage Van Driving Is Very Fun adopts true bypass footswitch and is powered by a 9V battery or a standard center minus DC 9V adapter.

Current consumption: 6mA
Input impedance: 1M
Output impedance: 25k
Size: 64 W x 112 D x 50 H mm (including projections)
Weight: 381g

Check out the Animals Pedals website for more here!

  • Overdrive and Boost
  • Requires a 9V DC Negative Tip Power Supply or 9V Battery.
  • Second-hand, in good condition with minor cosmetic wear as shown.
  • Box included, no power supply included.


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